
GNO! Girl’s night out
2nd Friday of the month 6-9 pm
Girls Night Out is just that! We’re here to have fun and help you learn a new technique or create something fun with a special product. Girls Night Out is a $10 prepaid event with limited space so call to reserve your spot today! ($5 is applied to the pottery project you choose that night.) We will have snacks, prizes, music and tons of fun! (this is an adult 18+ event) So, bring your BFF’s and have a fun BFF date or come and make a new BFF!
Check calendar for featured project

Pottery Wheel Classes
For the experienced and novice artist alike, come and enjoy a date night with that special someone or book a night out with a friend. We offer both individual or small group classes. The class includes a short lesson, all the materials needed for your project, firing, and coming back in to paint your creation. Call for more information and to reserve your spot.

Hand Building Clay Class
3rd Tuesday of the month 6-8 pm
Hand building clay class is open for all ages. Each month we will have a featured creation that we will walk you through step by step. This workshop includes instruction, all the materials needed for your project, firing, and coming back in to paint your creation. Call for more information, and to reserve your spot.
Check calendar for featured project

Empty Bowls
Help us support The Idaho Foodbank’s Summer Empty Bowl event in July at Big Al’s back patio in Meridian at The Village and the November Empty Bowl event on the Grove Plaza in Boise. Here’s how you can help: come in, choose an unfinished bowl, paint it with your design and let one of our staff members know it’s for The Idaho Foodbank’s Empty Bowls. After your masterpiece is fired, we’ll take a picture of it, either by itself or with a group of bowls (depending on how many we have at the time your bowl comes out of the kiln). Then we’ll post that picture to Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest! How cool is that?! We will then package all the painted bowls up and deliver them to The Idaho Foodbank. A Way with Clay will also donate $1.00 per bowl to The Idaho Foodbank. $1.00 provides enough food for 5 meals to hungry Idahoans. $10 for every handcrafted bowl will provide enough food for 50 meals to hungry Idahoans.